Examination Rules & Regulation
1. Examination Submission
- Examination entry is open to all irrespective of age and any instrument offered
by the GUILD.
- All entries must be made on the official GUILD entry form.
- All information on the Entry Form will be strictly confidential.
- Use a separate entry form for Theory and Practical Examinations.
- Entry made in the name of one candidate MAY NOT be transferred to another candidate.
- In Music Practical Examinations Entry, please clearly state whether a student is
entering for the Grade or Level examination. E.g. Grade 1 or Level 1.
Grade Examinations consists of the pieces and technical requirements such as scales,
sight reading, and aural test. Level examinations consist of the pieces and a portfolio
on the pieces.
- Please observe the examination closing dates:-
May/June |
31 March |
November/December |
31 August |
- Applications submitted after the published closing date are subject to a Late Entry charge of RM100/= per
- Please attach any relevant mark sheets or certificates for students taking Proficiency Certificate and
Diplomas. The pre-requisites are found in the syllabus.
2. Payment of fees
- No examination entry is recorded until the full fees for the entries have been paid. Current year fee list
must be used. There is no substitution of fees from one candidate to another or any refund of fees.
- All fees must be paid in Cheque/ Bank Draft/ Online Transfer. Payable to "GUILD EXAM PLT"
Public Bank Account No : 3183350136. Email (info@guildexam.com) or Fax (03 7727 3992) your bank-
in slip together with exam registration form to us.
- One cheque/bank draft/online transfer for the total amount of the entries. Do not send separate entry
cheques for each candidate.
3. Notification of examination dates, time and venue
- It's the responsibility of the teacher / school to contact the GUILD Office for actual examination dates &
time if they have not received the examination appointment slips by 1st May for May/June Session or 1st
November for Nov/Dec Session. The GUILD will not be responsible for any examinations missed.
- Candidates are expected to be in attendance at the examination venue AT LEAST FIFTEEN MINUTES
before the appointed time.
- Practical Exam Date :-
NORTH (Perlis, Kedah, Penang, Perak) - within 14 days from 2nd week Monday of May / Nov
CENTRAL (Selangor, Kuala Lumpur) - within 14 days from 3rd week Monday of May / Nov
EAST (Terengganu, Pahang) - within 14 days from 3rd week Monday of May / Nov
(Sabah, Sarawak) - within 14 days from 4th week Monday of May / Nov
SOUTH (Seremban, Malacca, Johor) - within 14 days from 1st week Monday of June / Dec
Practical Exam Candidate MAY NOT interchange examination time or venue without prior permission
from the GUILD office. Late comers will not be allowed to infringe on the time period of another
candidate or to otherwise disrupt time schedules.
- Theory Exam Date is on second Saturday of November (unless for some religious purpose such as SDA,
it will hold on the next day which is Sunday). Theory Exam Candidate who arrives 30 minutes after the
exam begins will not be allowed to enter.
- All candidates must bring their examination slip together with their Identity Card or Birth Certificate or
Passport (for foreign candidates) for verification on the examination day.
- The GUILD reserves the right to cancel an examination venue at any one centre, candidates are then
required to go to the nearest or an alternative examination venue.
- Schools under the GUILD Network wishing to use their premises as Examination Centre can be accepted if
they meet the examination room/studio requirements and have entered sufficient number of candidates.
4. Candidates who are absent or withdraw from examinations
- Absent candidates from an examination to which they have been called and notified, will forfeit the fees
paid. The only exceptions to this are in the event of a death in the family, illness or accident or for religious
purposes. An appropriate certificate or letter should be obtained and submitted to the GUILD together with
the examination slip within 7 days from the original examination date in order to obtain a half fees re-entry
- The half fees re-entry permit is valid for 1 year from the date of absent. It allows candidates to re-enter the
exam for the same or higher grade together with the correct exam fees. Example :-
E.g. 1 A student absent on May/June exam (Grade 5, exam fees paid RM260) and
wishes to retake the exam in Nov/Dec, then the candidate will have to pay
RM260 / 2 = RM130
E.g. 2 A student absent on the May/June exam (Grade 5, exam fees paid RM260) and
wishes to retake the exam next year May/June (next year Grade 5 exam fees is RM270),
then the candidate will have to pay RM270 - (RM260 / 2) = RM140.
E.g. 3 A student absent on May/June exam (Grade 5, exam fees paid RM260) and
wishes to take Grade 6 (exam fees RM300) in Nov/Dec, then the candidate will have
to pay RM300 - (RM260 / 2) = RM170
5. Accompanists, Minus One, Page Turners, Support Equipment & Others
- For certain instruments where an accompanist is necessary, a candidate must bring in their own
accompanist. The candidates teacher may act as the accompanist but under no circumstances will the
examiner act as one. Other than the accompanist, no other person may accompany the candidate to the
examination room. The candidate is required to make any page turns themselves.
- Candidates who require using backing tracks to accompany their music must bring their own CD and CD
- The GUILD will provide a Piano & Digital Piano, Basic Drum Kit (additional percussion must be brought
by the candidate) in the exam room. As for other instruments, the candidates have to bring their own
instrument. Eg - Modern Guitarist will need to bring own amplifier, foot stool and music stands, etc.
- Photocopies of examination pieces are strictly not allowed. It is the responsibility of the candidate to apply
for copyright permission from the copyright holder. A candidate can choose to perform from memory;
however a copy of the music should be available for review by the examiner.
6. Special request
- Special Requests such as candidates with special needs should be indicated at the "Special Request
Column" found on the exam entry form. However, the GUILD cannot guarantee to fulfil these requests.